Logo de 22nd International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence & 20th International Symposium on Luminescence Spectroscopy
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Fechar janela

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Why can't I access my certificates just by entering my e-mail address?

This additional layer of security serves to prevent unauthorized access by those who know your e-mail address, as they could download your certificates.

So go to Get access code, enter your e-mail and wait for the access code. When you receive the code in your e-mail inbox, go to Enter access code, re-enter your e-mail and the code you received in the e-mail. If everything is correct, your certificates will appear.

The e-mail with the access code did not arrive.

If the e-mail did not appear in your inbox, please check your spam box. If not, please contact us.

I am registered on the site, do I have to go through the whole procedure mentioned above?

If you are registered on the site (the one you used to register), simply go to , enter your credentials, and login. If your credentials are correct, your certificates will soon appear, without the need to send an access code.