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Novel capabilities in luminescence research (photodetection, spectroscopy, imaging, analysis)

Laser induced white emission - phenomenon and applications

Wieslaw Strek1, Przemyslaw Wiewiorski1, Robert Tomala1, Mariusz Stefanski1

1Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research PAS

E-mail: w.strek@intibs.pl

The interaction of focused beam of infrared laser diode with inorganic crystals, glasses, nanomaterials leads to generation of efficient broadband white emission in visible. This emission is surface related and characterized by relatively low temperature. The effect in its nature occurs due to multiphoton absorption responsible for ionization processes and in consequence to the broad band emission in visible assisted by ejection of hot electrons, photocurrent and nonradiative transitions. Laser induced white emission is characterized by the excitation threshold exponential increase of efficiency with excitation laser power and saturation plateau. The forward and backward measurements of laser induced emission have demonstrated the hysteresis behavior. Moreover it was observed that this emission is characterized by coherency opening applications for white lasers. The different examples of broadband white emission in nanocrystals, ceramics, glasses and crystals are presented. Applications of laser induced white emission for lighting, photocatalysis and generation of hydrogen are presented.

Keywords: white luminescence, broadband emission, perovskites, hot electrons

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the support from grant no. NCN- 2020/37/B/ST5/02399 funded by National Science Center, Poland.

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