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Luminescent materials for imaging, sensors and theranostics

Bioluminescence color detection of Cadmium Made Simple with Mobile Technology

M.s. T. G. F. P. V. R. Viviani1, Gabriel F. Pelentir2, Vadim R. Viviani3

1Laboratório de Bioquímica e Tecnologias de Sistemas Bioluminescentes, Centro de Ciências e tecnologias para Sustentabilidade, Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba-SP, 2Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba-SP, 3Laboratório de Bioquímica e Tecnologias de Sistemas Bioluminescentes, Centro de Ciências e tecnologias para Sustentabilidade, Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Sorocaba-SP.

E-mail: murilo.sorbo@gmail.com

The increasing portable imaging technological developments enables numerous discoveries across various research areas, making the researcher's work somewhat simpler. An example of such technology is the mobile phone application for bioluminescence and chemiluminescence analysis proposed some years ago (Roda et al., 2014). Utilizing a smartphone's camera, we previously showed that it was possible to estimate cadmium contamination of water based on visual and photodetection of bioluminescence color tuning using Amydetes firefly luciferase for educational purposes (Viviani et al., 2023). To increase analytical applicability of such method hands on field biosensors, here we developed a cell phone based applicative to analyze cadmium concentration based on bioluminescence color discrimination. The application has proven to be efficient with high precision, relying on reference values also inserted into the analyzed sample. The light emitted in a dark box by the luminescent colorimetric analysis is captured by the smartphone's camera, which, using computer vision, automatically finds the positioning of the samples and classifies them, delivering a visual result. In addition to making the process of quantifying Cadmium contamination as fast as taking a photo, this application, is potentially appliable to other luminescent color tuning sensors, with the convenience of a smartphone in the palm of one's hands.Financial support: FAPESP 2022/04800-0; CNPq 401.050/2021-1

Keywords: photodetection, biosensors, cell phone,

Acknowledgments: FAPESP 2022/04800-0; CNPq 401.050/2021-1

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