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Origins and evolution of bioluminescence

First de novo genome assemblies of bioluminescent fungi and CAC genes study

Samir V. F. Atum1, Douglas M. Soares1, Bianca B. de Nóbrega1, Caio K. Zamuner1, Etelvino Bechara1, Cassius V. Stevani1

1Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Química, Brazil

E-mail: samiratum@me.com

Fungi genomes are rarely sequenced, and bioluminescence in fungi has never been studied in context of the whole genome. This work showcases the first de novo assemblies and annotation of three bioluminescent fungi species: Neonothopanus gardneri, the current model for fungi bioluminescence studies, Mycena lucentipes and Gerronema viridilucens. Having the genome sequences of the Caffeic Acid Cycle of different species enables biotechnological studies and aplications of fungi bioluminescence, and is important to better understand its evolution.Sequencing was performed by Illumina sequencers generating high coverage paired end reads of 151bp. Adapter trimming and quality control were performed with TrimGalore. Abyss was used for genome assembly. Genome decontamination was performed by employing DIAMOND and kraken2 to identify contaminated contigs in the contigs and bowtie2 was used for read mapping. For annotation a repeat library was constructed de novo using RepeatModeler and repeat masking was carried out using RepeatMasker. Gene prediction on the masked genome was achieved using by GeneMark-ES, and functional annotation performed by EggNOG.

Keywords: genome assembly, caffeic acid cycle, genetics


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